Software engineering fundamentals  

The aim of the course is to give students the knowledge of software development processes, the basic skills needed to create software development documentation and to be able to present the results of the work, as well as to be able to analyze software by exiting documentation. The tasks of the course are - To provide the fundamentals of software development theory and practice. In theoretical part to discuss information system development methods and tools: requirements collection and analysis, system design and analysis, coding, testing, deployment and maintenance. To discuss software engineering standards. In practical part in small teams, design a small information system. The languages of instruction are Latvian and English. Results Knowledge: 1. Explains the main concepts used in key software engineering processes. Describes the life-cycle models of software development, the principles of project development teams. 2. Describe the types of software requirements and its modelling capabilities. 3. Describes the metrics used to measure the effort of projects. 4. Describes the software design modelling options. 5. Explains the key principles for software quality assurance. Describes the most important software testing approaches, techniques, techniques. 6. Explains the impact of compliance with the principles of labour safety and ergonomics on the preservation of human health and life. Skills: 7. Analyses the team's work in the development of the system, assess the risks and the possibilities for reducing them, forecast the amount of future effort and plan it jointly with the group 8. Takes part in s reasoned debates in the group on the requirements of the system to be developed and the options for design solutions. 9. Presents a specification of software requirements developed in the group and the selected solutions in the design. Competence: 10. Assesses the compliance of developed software specifications and design documentation with industry standards. 11. Assesses the impact of developed software specifications and design documentation on the quality of the software product. 12. Gives reasoned proposals to improve software specifications and design quality.
Software engineering fundamentals

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